French Preschool in Ottawa
Fees and Enrolment 2019
Quality and friendly atmosphere that engages each child
Toddler Fees and Admission
Ages 15 months to 2 1/2 years – 1:5 ratio. Monday to Friday from 7:15am to 5:30pm. Part time upon availability, please call to enquirer.- Per Month (Full Time: 5 days per week):
- Per Month (4 days per week):
- Hot nutritious meal + two snacksIncluded
- Field trips and community outingsIncluded
- Total Full Time:
(inc. TAX)
Preschooler Fees and Admission
Ages 2 1/2 to 5 years – 1:5 ratio. Monday to Friday from 7:15am to 5:30pm. Part time upon availability, please call to enquirer.- Per Month (Full Time: 5 days per week):
- Per Month (4 days per week):
- Per Month (3 days per week):
- Hot nutritious meal + two snacksIncluded
- Field trips and community outingsIncluded
- Total Full Time:
(inc. TAX)
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Priority is given to full-time spaces
Grow and learn in a safe and warm atmosphere.
Explore and to expand one’s individual talent.